Investigation of the Opinions of Physical Education and Sports School Students in Distance Education Process
Distance education,, online education,, pandemic,, physical education and sports education, studentAbstract
The coronavirus, which has affected the world, has caused changes in education as in all areas of life. In our country, it was deemed necessary to start distance education in order to ensure the sustainability of education by interrupting face-to-face education in this process. While distance education was used as an alternative education model in our education system until 2020, it has become compulsory for a certain period of time due to pandemic rules. In this research, student opinions were taken and suggestions were made for the ‘applicability of physical education and sports education in distance education’. The questionnaires were applied to the students of Yozgat Bozok University School of Physical Education and Sports. According to the findings obtained as a result of the questionnaire, it was concluded that students were negatively affected by distance education and students felt unsuccessful in their academic and professional lives. Due to this necessity, increasing and/or improving the quality of distance education models used in our education system becomes a priority. In this context, there is a need for academic studies that will reveal and improve the current situation of distance education in our education system. As important as it is to learn the use of communication tools for distance education, it is equally important to develop distance education models that can be used in these technological tools.
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