Ethical and Security Issues: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Sports Management



The use of artificial intelligence in sports management accelerates decision-making processes and offers integration opportunities. However, this also increases the need for serious ethical and security measures. AI systems have been implemented in player selection, performance analysis, and match strategies, introducing human intervention. However, this may threaten ethical policies such as fairness and transparency. Algorithmic biases arising from the lack of diversity in data sets can pave the way for discrimination and undermine the principle of freedom among athletes. Privacy and data security are other critical concerns in the use of AI. Privacy breaches occurring during the classification and analysis of athletes' biometric data can lead to both ethical and legal issues. Particularly, cyberattacks and unauthorized data usage can negatively affect athletes' careers and psychology. Ethical rules and regulations require the transparency of AI data, accountability, and the maintenance of human-centered approaches. In order to promote the ethical and fair use of AI, it is crucial to involve stakeholders within the sports ecosystem. The achievement of equal access systems can contribute to maintaining fair competition by providing equal opportunities for athletes and teams. Responsible use of AI to support the core values of sports is a critical necessity.


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How to Cite

KUSAN, M., & ARIN, A. (2025). Ethical and Security Issues: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Sports Management. Acta Scientiae Et Intellectus , 10(2), 78. Retrieved from