

Clay geochemical and mineralogical composition in Odukpani area, Southeastern
Nigeria was analyzed from 10 different locations in order to infer its importance as
paloenvironmental indicator. The results show variation in major elements and
mineralogical composition. Chemical data showed the average values of silica (SiO2),
alumina (Al2O3) and hematite (Fe2O3) as 47.46% (46.79- 49.51)%, 34.08% (32.2-
35.37) % and 2.79% (2.15-2.62)% respectively, while kaolinite being the most
dominant mineralogical constituents has its average value as 88.10% (83- 89)%. The
high occurrence and concentration of SiO2 and Al2O3 infer terrestrial processes, while
the low occurrence of Ti02 (less than 0.001%) and P205 (0.0267%) concentration may
be due to claystone associated with continental processes. The mean value of illite /
kaolinite ratio is 0.069 (ranges from (0.042-0.091), with higher concentration of
kaolinite over illite indicate sediments of fluvial environment and this ratio in the
presence of hematite shows oxygenated environment in an arid climate. A very low
concentration of CaO (0.04%), MgO (0.19%) and K20 (0.61%) infer non marine

Author Biography

Itam Asukwo Essien, Department of Geology, University of Calabar, NIGERIA

Clay geochemical and mineralogical composition in Odukpani area, Southeastern
Nigeria was analyzed from 10 different locations in order to infer its importance as
paloenvironmental indicator. The results show variation in major elements and
mineralogical composition. Chemical data showed the average values of silica (SiO2),
alumina (Al2O3) and hematite (Fe2O3) as 47.46% (46.79- 49.51)%, 34.08% (32.2-
35.37) % and 2.79% (2.15-2.62)% respectively, while kaolinite being the most
dominant mineralogical constituents has its average value as 88.10% (83- 89)%. The
high occurrence and concentration of SiO2 and Al2O3 infer terrestrial processes, while
the low occurrence of Ti02 (less than 0.001%) and P205 (0.0267%) concentration may
be due to claystone associated with continental processes. The mean value of illite /
kaolinite ratio is 0.069 (ranges from (0.042-0.091), with higher concentration of
kaolinite over illite indicate sediments of fluvial environment and this ratio in the
presence of hematite shows oxygenated environment in an arid climate. A very low
concentration of CaO (0.04%), MgO (0.19%) and K20 (0.61%) infer non marine




How to Cite

Osabor, V., & Essien, I. A. (2024). PALEOENVIRONMENTAL INTERPRETATION OF CLAY DEPOSITS WITHIN ODUKPANI, SOUTHEASTERN NIGERIA. Acta Scientiae Et Intellectus , 2(4), 29–35. Retrieved from