

Younger generations are more likely to use their smartphones to communicate and keep up with the latest trends than any other method today. Our youth are growing up with technology evolving at a fast pace. The increase in numbers of smart phone users in children and adolescents raises concerns for many regarding the possible adverse health effects of this use. Smartphones have become an essential way for the children and adolescents to communicate, go online and access and share information. According to Ericsson Mobility Report (2018), there are 5.5 billion mobile broadband subscriptions globally. There is growing concern that increased phone use may be becoming an addictive-like behavior and have a negative impact on our future generation. This paper discusses the associated risks of cancer, increased motor vehicle accidents, smartphone addiction, mental health, sleep disorders and cyber bullying. Some countries around the world have already begun legislation that bans the use of smartphones in schools, prohibit sales and advertisements that target young age groups and expanding warnings on phones/packages. Educational campaigns are also being adopted to further protect this population. This paper will review the studies completed on smart phone use and some of the negative effects on our youth.




How to Cite

Sanders, M. (2024). EFFECTS OF SMARTPHONES ON OUR CHILDREN. Acta Scientiae Et Intellectus , 4(5), 43–50. Retrieved from http://actaint.com/index.php/pub/article/view/170