Anxiety about catching the virus, athlete, coronavirus, individual anxiety, social anxietyAbstract
This study aims to contribute to the literature on the situation of athletes in new epidemics that may arise by examining the anxiety of individual and team athletes about catching epidemics in the presence of outbreaks. For this purpose, a total of 480 athlete university students were recruited during the coronavirus epidemic. In this study, the effects of gender and sports habits on anxiety levels regarding the new type of coronavirus epidemic were examined. As a result of the statistical analysis, it was determined that there was a significant relationship between individual anxiety and anxiety about catching coronavirus according to gender (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in social anxiety levels according to gender (p>0.05). Additionally, a statistically significant relationship was found between individual anxiety and anxiety about contracting coronavirus, depending on the status of doing team and individual sports (p<0.001). However, there was no significant difference between sports habits in terms of social anxiety levels (p>0.05). Result, It has been determined that the risk of contracting this virus during the coronavirus epidemic among university students who compete in individual and team sports while receiving sports education varies according to gender and team and individual sports but does not vary according to age category. It has also been determined that athletes feel moderate anxiety about contracting the new type of coronavirus. Considering that athletes will be moderately affected by existing epidemic diseases during epidemic periods, it is recommended to take precautions according to the kind of epidemic.
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