Covid-19, Sports, Educational Status, Occupation, ReligionAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of religion in individuals who do and do not do sports during the Covid-19 process, according to some parameters. For this purpose, the “Scale of Feeling the Influence of Religion”, filled by 275 people, 131 men and 144 women, was evaluated. Independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance and LSD tests were used in statistical operations. There was no statistically significant difference between gender, students and non-student feeling the influence of religion (p>0.05). A statistically significant difference was found between those who do sports and those who do not, and those who have had an outbreak of Covid-19 and those who have not, in terms of feeling the influence of religion (p<0.05). Those who do not do sports feel the influence of religion more than those who do sports and those who have a disease than those who do not. The scores of feeling the influence of religion were found to be statistically different according to educational status and smoking status (p<0.001). University graduates feel the influence of religion more than undergraduate students. Again, non-smokers feel the influence of religion more than smokers. As a result, it was concluded that the Covid-19 epidemic caused people to feel the effect of religion more. It has been concluded that while feeling the influence of religion during the Covid-19 epidemic process is similar according to gender, it varies according to the status of having a disease, education status and smoking status. Sports and non-smokers are more likely to feel the influence of religion. In addition to getting counseling on religious issues, it is recommended that people do sports and stay away from harmful habits such as smoking.
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