Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Recreational Activities for Individuals with Disabilities
Bibliometric analysis, disability, leisure activities, recreationAbstract
This study examines research on the recreational activities of people with disabilities from 1975 to 2023 using a bibliometric approach. By highlighting the contribution of leisure activities to the physical, mental and social well-being of people with disabilities, it significantly enhances the scientific literature in this field. A total of 5,696 documents from the Web of Science database were analyzed. Methods such as keyword analysis, citation analysis, co-citation analysis and cooperation network analysis were used in the bibliometric analysis. Research aimed at increasing the participation of people with disabilities in society and improving their quality of life is of great importance. The results of the analysis show the countries with the most publications (USA, Australia, Canada), the leading authors (Bauman, Faigenbaum) and the most influential journals (The Lancet, American Journal of Epidemiology) and their respective areas of influence. The results emphasize the importance of scientific research in promoting the social inclusion of people with disabilities and increasing their levels of physical activity. This study demonstrates the growing importance of leisure activities in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and lays the foundation for encouraging future research directions. It also highlights the need for more accessible and inclusive sports programs for people with disabilities. The frequent use of terms such as "physical activity" and "exercise" among the keywords indicates that research in this area focuses mainly on the benefits of physical activity. The impact of academic studies on leisure activities for people with disabilities is increasing and the potential for knowledge development and practical application in this area will continue to grow in the future.
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